Johann is at the stage where he easily remembers and copies what we say. Here is the latest addition to his vocabulary. 1) My Gosh! - I guess he heard it from me. I was surprised when I first heard him say that because I don't say it that often. At least, it is not the curse mothers do not want to hear. 2) Ano ba?!?! - He got this from me (again). When somebody cuts into my lane, I'd honk my horn and say this. So, when Johann hears the horn (it doesn't matter if it came from another car), he'd shout "Ano ba?!?!" 3) Bakling - This one he got from his Dad. We were watching some guys on TV. His dad remarked that those guys were "bakling." The little boy kept repeating the word until we diverted his attention to something else. I never heard him say that again. 4) Interchangeable vowel sounds - My househelps are all Bisaya. The one who is most talkative has problems saying the vowel sounds correctly. Now, Johann says "air" when...