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Showing posts from September, 2021

Catch Up - Ketchup

How are you doing?  We often say that we are okay.  I feel that this time, I have no right to complain.  I am better off where I am.   But, are we really okay?   I guess the resilience of the Filipino is just carrying us through all these challenges.   When the Delta variant came into the scene, I felt that this is closing in on my tiny protected bubble.  The stress of having to deal with a more fierce virus, on top of everything else is starting to affect us. Thankfully, it is not a constant feeling. I heard that, eventually, this virus would come into every household.  It is just a matter of time.  Hmmm.  I refuse to believe that.  I will only allow it when it has been watered down to the common flu. ----------------------- I have started taking voice lessons with Chris in April.  Five months in, we've been noticing improvements in my vocal production and confidence while singing.  Chris has been very generous with compliments and we've been very productive too.  What other