After three days of going around, we finally managed to go down to The Strip. As expected, I paid homage to the shops at the Bellagio. I braved myself to enter Chanel. I wanted to check out if I can afford one of the items in my wishlist.
Apparently, I can. However, if I choose to purchase it, I'd have no shopping money for the remainder of the trip. I also have the option to pay cash for the half of the price then charge the rest to my card. Still, I can't get over the fact that I can buy 1 LV and 1 Gucci for the price of the Chanel. However, if I choose not to get it, I know it will haunt me forever. Ugh!
The SA was so helpful. She showed me the stuff I want to see. She even told me that Chanel ships to Manila. My next concern was the sales tax. She said that there'll be no sales tax but she doesn't know how much I'd have to pay Customs to release the bag. There is also a 12-day exchange policy for unused and unworn bags. She really is making it very irrisistible. Anyway, I have her business card.
Maybe, that is why I couldn't sleep. I've been awake since 3am.
Apparently, I can. However, if I choose to purchase it, I'd have no shopping money for the remainder of the trip. I also have the option to pay cash for the half of the price then charge the rest to my card. Still, I can't get over the fact that I can buy 1 LV and 1 Gucci for the price of the Chanel. However, if I choose not to get it, I know it will haunt me forever. Ugh!
The SA was so helpful. She showed me the stuff I want to see. She even told me that Chanel ships to Manila. My next concern was the sales tax. She said that there'll be no sales tax but she doesn't know how much I'd have to pay Customs to release the bag. There is also a 12-day exchange policy for unused and unworn bags. She really is making it very irrisistible. Anyway, I have her business card.
Maybe, that is why I couldn't sleep. I've been awake since 3am.
i can't believe you have 2 boys. who's going to inherit all your purty bags and stuff?! ;)
papa-raffle niya sa atin. diba cutty? ;) or the boys can use them to make ligaw. vintage chanel, lv and gucci will win the heart of any woman! as if the boys weren't cute enough already.