Wikipedia: Humility comes from the Greek word "humus," which means "from the earth" or "grounded."
In these modern times when people flaunt everything in social media, it is very difficult to be humble. It is hard to remind ourselves to be humble specially when the norm is fame, material excesses and financial success.
I have this debate going on in my head: do I suck it up or do I distance myself? Am I being subjected to this to teach me a lesson? Is this a lesson on "what I should NOT be when I grow up" or should I just walk away?
I, somehow, feel that these people make it a point to flaunt their material possessions and wealth in my face. I know that having a reaction will mean that they have won. Being human, I am close to losing my self-control. I also hope that I am not the only one who is receiving this lesson on humility.