For the life of me, I can not imagine how some people can spend endlessly, as if they really pick money from the tree.
Do they really have deep pockets? Do they have endless wealth? Or, are they secretly drowning in debt?
I guess, I was once like that. Spending as if there is no tomorrow. The desire to acquire was there. The desire to have the best of life was there, at least, until life happened. Now, there is the future to think about. I am talking about educational plans, insurance payments, school fees, emergency funds to fill.
With four kids to think about, I can't spend a single hundred without assessing if it is a need or a want. Sometimes, I forego of rewarding myself for the sake of this and that. I have been doing this exercise for a couple of years now. It was good for my EQ. I am not heart-broken now that I don't have the latest "big" thing.
I guess it is because I am more exposed to the less fortunate that I am more mindful of my spending. I've seen people fight over P20 tips. I've seen people survive on less income forcing me to live simply.
I guess, financial maturity happened.
I guess, I matured enough to know that there is only little satisfaction from material things. My self-worth isn't measured by what fills my house, by what brands I carry . It is borne out of experiences and memories that can not be stolen from me.
I understand that the desire to acquire is always there. But, if I keep on feeding it, it will never be enough.
But, I am no saint. I still get tempted from time to time. It is okay to dream. It is okay to give in sometimes.