Two Saturdays ago, Vic left to accompany his Dad to a European Pilgrimage. I've been a single mom for more than a week now. If I was busy then, I doing double duty now. I was doing okay on the first few days. I figured how to adjust our routine making sure there was little disruption to our current routine. You see, routines are important if you have young children. Less disruption means less chaos. All was doing well until my one and only yaya got herself a sprained ankle. I guess we were still lucky that it wasn't fractured. The swelling hasn't gone down but at least she is more mobile now. Superwoman, that's what I call myself when the going gets tough. But, I couldn't be one if I didn't have an efficient support system. We've been staying with my parents since my yaya got injured. My burdern has significantly decreased. I no longer worry about meals. My mother helps giving baths and naps to Joaquin. They also help entertain the older kids ...