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Blissful Saturdays

Saturday was a really happy and relaxing day for me.  I sat in the van with my children while the driver brought us to Makati.   We had a comfortable ride.  The interior improvements made it seem we're in a brand new car.  The traffic wasn't so bad from QC.  I thought to myself, my children are lucky.  I have money to spend in my wallet.  I was able to get an art piece from an artist I've been following.  It was bliss. The next day, all the contentment I felt from the previous day was drawn away from me.  Once again, I am reminded of how some people can be so insensitive and selfish, of how things can be better, etc. Can't it always be Saturday?
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To be Humble

Wikipedia:   Humility comes from the Greek word "humus," which means "from the earth" or "grounded."   ================ In these modern times when people flaunt everything in social media, it is very difficult to be humble.  It is hard to remind ourselves to be humble specially when the norm is fame, material excesses and financial success. I have this debate going on in my head:  do I suck it up or do I distance myself?  Am I being subjected to this to teach me a lesson?  Is this a lesson on "what I should NOT be when I grow up" or should I just walk away?    I, somehow, feel that these people make it a point to flaunt their material possessions and wealth in my face.  I know that having a reaction will mean that they have won.  Being human, I am close to losing my self-control.  I also hope that I am not the only one who is receiving this lesson on humility.

Time Flies

 In a couple of weeks, we're entering the last quarter of 2024.  Has it been that long since I blogged?  I can't believe that I just published one entry in this blog. It was all a blur.  I am still running the EV business and the eye clinic, apart from singing and motherhood. We bagged a major client and are still in the process of fulfilling the order.  Our major supplier still has problems with the production schedule and it has caused major hiccups down the line.  I am praying and staying hopeful that we will be able to redeem ourselves. The eye clinic celebrated its first anniversary.  We have helped a lot of less-fortunate people, to say the least.  I am thankful that we are earning and helping at the same time.   I am quite satisfied that we can also give livelihood to well-deserving people.  There is still room for growth but we are not being greedy. Our partners have plans of expanding to other areas.  But this is still up for review.   We've been asked to be more a

Hola 2024!

Another new year has begun.  It is time to go back and revisit what has been done and what needs to be done.  It is time to re-evaluate what was effective and what needs to be improved.  I have made it a tradition to set my annual goals and targets at the beginning of the year.  Knowing that I have ticked off my goals for the year gives a sense of fulfillment that trumps all the heartaches and sacrifices to get me to where I am. In 2023:          ✔   Travel with husband.  I am amazed that we were able to do this for both work and pleasure.          ✔  Travel with the whole family          ✔  Start a new income stream         ✔   Sell more EVs.  I know this is vague.  But we were able to get into the retail market and find our niche.          ✔  Daily prayers and meditation This year, 2024, my primary focus is on my health. The stress on the last quarter of 2023 took a toll on me, physically.  This may mean delegating more work, refusing to take part in activities that will stress me ev


I just want to remember every bit of this busy Christmas season.  It was extra busy this year, juggling two businesses, a 70th birthday party, a wedding and Christmas.  Sometimes, I really wonder how am I still standing. Looking back, a few days after the festivities, it is really the busyness of the season that makes it special and memorable. 21:  We had a singing engagement at the Tamarind St. residence of the T family.  I was a bit distracted because of Tita Tessie's condition.  David looked distraught.  I called Vic several times to send reinforcements to SLGC.  We thought she wouldn't make it till the next morning. 22:  I woke up early for the morning mass then spent the rest of the morning finishing up Mama's cake for her party.  Then, Vic and I visited Tita Tessie at the hospital.  Vic was dealing with customs requirements while I was having my hair done.  I sang for Kuya Jopet and Ate Love's wedding.  I sang everything.  There were hits and misses, but I am most

Christmas in November

I wasn't expecting a challenging day.  I was just expecting it to be quite busy.  I didn't want to stress about it and I didn't want to overthink.  I have agreed to sing for the First Communion mass then a birthday celebration for Javi in our Marikina house.   It was quite fun and meaningful.  The first communion mass was so simple yet so special.  We were blessed to hear the kids joyously singing in Latin.  Lunch was also a surprise welcome party for our balikbayan relatives.  It was a quick catch-up.  We weren't expecting a lot of people to celebrate with us too.  We had enough food to go around. It is funny how simple things make our hearts full.  It was like we had Christmas in November.

Life Lately

For several months now, my husband and I have been juggling the EV importing business and this ambulatory center we are putting up.  In August, we hosted a grand birthday party for FIL, received balikbayans then sent them off.  The kids started school in August too.  Did I say that their schools are quite far from each other? It has been a busy past few months.  I am not used to waking up early every morning to bring the kids to school then head off to work.  I am starting to feel tired.   It is an adjustment.  At first, I was enjoying being an "empty nester" when all kids are in school.  But now that work is piling up, I miss those quiet times at home.   I am so looking forward to having a vacation soon. I need to recharge.